
    Introduction: 2


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    • Opolis is a high-security E-Mail service and combines the latest E-Mail security technologies. Opolis transmits, processes and stores all your confidential messages in encrypted mode. This principle is also valid for the Setup Process of your Opolis E-Mail Account: Your personal Opolis Password - with which (next to your personal Log In Name) you access all your Opolis E-Mails - will already be created in an entirely secure environment and will not even be known by the service provider of Opolis
      • PLEASE NOTE: In the case you have forgotten your personal Opolis Password you will not be able to access Opolis and your Opolis E-Mails any more. The provider of Opolis will not be in a position to re-set your Opolis Password or assist you in recovering your messages and documents
    • When-ever accessing Opolis via the Opolis Mail Client to work on your Opolis E-Mails, you just submit your personal Opolis Log In Name and your personal Opolis Password, both of which you can choose freely. To ensure that you can so easily and conveniently access your entirely protected and encrypted Opolis E-Mails and attachments where-ever you are, we must ask you to walk through step-by-step the Setup Procedure to establish your personal Opolis E-Mail Account
      • PLEASE NOTE: Read all instructions carefully and only carry on with the next step when you have completely finished the previous one. To make your Setup Process even more efficient, we would strongly recommend that you watch the Video: Create Your Opolis E-Mail Account
    • The only identification you will submit to Opolis is a personal E-Mail address which will also be seen by other Opolis Users. Additional personal information submitted whilst creating your iTrust Certificate which serves as a basis to create your keys with which your Opolis E-Mails and attachments are encrypted, will neither be available to Opolis nor to Opolis Users
    • To set up your personal Opolis E-Mail Account the following steps are required, after which you can already access your personal Opolis E-Mail Account with your personal Opolis Log In Name and your personal Opolis Password:
      1. Choose personal Opolis Log In Name
      2. Submit personal E-Mail Address
      3. Launch Opolis Mail Client
      4. Enter Setup Log In Name
      5. Enter Setup Password
      6. Create iTrust Certificate
      7. Choose personal Opolis Password
    • As mentioned, setting up an Opolis E-Mail Account is generally easy and can be done within minutes. Should you nevertheless have issues which you think have not been covered on this or the following pages, then please refer also to the section: Opolis - Frequently Asked Questions and refer there to the subsection dealing with setting up an Opolis E-Mail Account