One should never say never, but Opolis makes manipulation or mis-use of Opolis E-Mails practically impossible. To start with, Opolis E-Mails are in encrypted mode transmitted point-to-point and stored and can only be decrypted and read by the sender and the authorised recipient and nobody else. The text message content of an Opolis E-Mail cannot be amended; comments to the text are allowed, of course. Also the transmission information of an Opolis E-Mail cannot be manipulated, such as the time an Opolis E-Mail was sent or forwarded to another Opolis User. Also, if an Opolis E-Mail is printed, then the print out will have an QR Code attached to it which certifies the authenticity of the message and embeds all relevant information linked to the print out. Finally, the sender of an Opolis E-Mail decides what the recipient of an Opolis E-Mail is allowed to do with it (such as, whether it may be copied, printed, forwarded to another Opolis User) and then the sender can also constantly and live monitor the trail of a sent Opolis E-Mail. -- In essence, Opolis ensures to a maximum that Opolis E-Mails cannot be manipulated or mis-used.