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Looking for and finding Opolis E-Mails is actually pretty easy and - considering the fact that all information screened has to be decrypted first - also pretty fast. You select at the tool bar Post Office and then Find Messages upon which the Find Messages Window opens
Enter - all or part of - the expression(s) you are looking for in the search box
Additional search criteria you can define similar as already shown in setting up Smart Mailboxes in that you further specify and / or narrow down selection parameters. Additional feature lines can be added by pressing the "+" (plus) button and logically linked by "and" respectively "or"
The result of Opolis E-Mails along the search criteria defined will then be displayed in the Post Office window
PLEASE NOTE: A search in Opolis may take somehow longer compared with other mail software, as each single Opolis E-Mail will have to be downloaded to your client, then locally decrypted and decoded prior to applying the search as such. Remember: Also Opolis, as the Service provider, is unable to read your Opolis E-Mails and attachments and therefore unable to index your messages in advance, only your Opolis Mail Client is able to read your Opolis E-Mails. Considering this highly complex task, the speed of the search process is actually amazingly fast