Quick Look allows you to preview a file without downloading. Quick Look previews are created when a file that can be represented as a ...
You initially give a wiki page or a blog post its name when you create it. You can later change this name using the editing toolbar.
You can search for a text phrase in wikis or blogs. If you search while viewing My Page, you search all wikis and blogs. If you search...
Instead of using the blog to create and edit blog posts, you can use desktop blog editing applications such as MarsEdit or ecto. These...
Here are ways to view all tags used in a wiki.
To view all tags sorted by how frequently they're used:
One problem with having a lot of information online is that you need to keep track of many pages. The traditional solution is to bookm...
Viewing wikis on iPhone or iPod touch is similar to viewing wikis on a desktop. You can use links to browse pages or perform text-base...
You can view the HTML source for a page, which is useful if you're familiar with HTML. However, mistakes can cause your browser to cra...
Every time someone edits and saves a wiki page or blog post, a version of the page is saved in the page's history. Each version includ...
Learn about how to create and edit wikis and blogs.
Creating a Wiki
Deleting Wikis
Changing Wiki Settings