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Search results in Opolis Q & A

What makes Opolis different from standard E-Mail applications?

Opolis will not replace your standard E-Mail application, such as Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail, but provide a parallell and separate ser...

Who Should Use Opolis?

A typical user of Opolis is very concerned about E-Mail security, in particular that messages can only be read by the sender and the a...

Why do I have to submit a personal E-Mail Address when setting up an Opolis E-Mail Account?

You submit a personal valid E-Mail Address to Opolis for the following reasons: In the course of the Setup Process you w...

Why is E-Mail security important?

... because a typical E-Mail message is no more secure than a postcard sent through the public postal system. On their long and com...

Will Opolis impact E-Mails sent from or received by my submitted personal E-Mail Address?

No, nothing will change in that context: The entire mechanics in regards to your personal E-Mail account will be unchange...