Opolis Q & A
Edited Today at 6:36 PM by
Unknown User
Opolis and E-Mail Security: 40
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What is Opolis?
Why is E-Mail security important?
What are the most common issues with standard E-Mail?
What makes Opolis different from standard E-Mail applications?
What are typical applications for Opolis? - Who should use Opolis?
Why do I have to submit a personal E-Mail Address when setting up an Opolis E-Mail Account?
Will Opolis impact E-Mails sent from or received by my submitted personal E-Mail Address?
How does the Opolis security mechanism and architecture work?
What is the technical concept of the Opolis security architecture?
How do I become an Opolis User?
How do I invite new users concerned about E-Mail security to Opolis?
Is Opolis a free service?
How do I access Opolis?
Does Opolis support mobile devices?
Does Opolis operate off-line?
Can Opolis E-Mails be manipulated or mis-used at all?
What makes Opolis different from other "secure E-Mail service providers"?
Can I use Opolis to safely store and archive my documents?